Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Imah Do The Things That I Wanna Do

Thank the lord for the internet. A rip of Weezer's new song Pork and Beans has made its way online today. You can grab it over at Twelve Major Chords. The rumored red album might be in stores this June. What do I think of the tune? It's a hell of a lot better than Beverly Hills. And since I'm a true believer, maybe it signals a good album to come. Here's hoping.


*update:* :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ben Lee's American Television

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a big ol' softy for some Ben Lee. He's awesome and he'll continue to be awesome, even if his latest album, Ripe, doesn't quite hit the mark. In the meantime, Ben is doing his thing, touring the country, and making some of his most entertaining videos to date. Check out this romp through early '90s nostalgia, in the Weird Al inspired music video for Ripe track, American Television.

Want more?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Web Design for Jennifer Weiner's new book, Certain Girls

This week , Jennifer Weiner, the bestselling author of In Her Shoes (which became the box office hit starring Cameron Diaz) , Good in Bed, and many other titles - released her latest, soon to be bestseller - Certain Girls. And I'm excited to say that I was a part of this project - designing the official website for the book! You can check out my web skillz at

And if you're a fan - you can grab the book here.

I can forgive you Liz Phair

Liz Phair seems to be in the throws of a renaissance these days. She's excited about the upcoming ATO special edition re-issue of Exile in Guyville, her 1993 opus, coming out June 24th. And she's letting slip the first sketchy details of what may be an upcoming album of good music. The likes of which we have not seen from Liz Phair in far too long.

More about the Guyville re-issue and new tunes at Billboard.

Liz, I'm willing to forgive you. We all go astray. Make a great record please. Heck, make a good record. Stacked against the musical dumps you've taken over the past few years, it would be a welcome return to form. And yes, then Liz Phair, I can give you another chance.

Recent crap reminder.

Better times: